6.00 Design and Innovation: the Golden Rule 8560579 6.25 Outsiders In -
Muslims in Europe 7226276 7.15
Technology: This Little Flower Went to
Market Stereo 9674531 7.40 Frontiers of Geology 2848173 8.05 Biology: Plants' Patterns in Green 4558482 8.30 Arts:
King Cotton's Palace 8018579 8.55 Brecht on Stage 8020314 9.20
Developing World: Towards a Better Life 3117260 9.45 Maths: Problems with Patterns Stereo 2729956 10.10
Anti-Racism: Beyond the Debates 1350555 10.35 Jazz, Raga and Synthesizers Stereo
11.00 Schools: Managing in the Marketplace 9342024 11.25 Miningfor Science 9662579 11.50 open Mind: OUPD Blue