Introduced by Sue MacGregor
An Englishwoman in China: GLADYS YANG lives with her Chinese husband and family' in Peking. She looks back on the last 37 years, including the four spent in prison during the Cultural Revolution.
2.0-2.2 News
New Faces: BERNARD JACKSON looks at cosmetic surgery.
' Know-How ': NORMAN TOZER with more Ideas to make light of running your home.
Come Hell or High Water by CLARE FRANCIS
Abridged in ten parts by FIONA MACPHERSON
Read by Judith Coke (1)
Clare Francis was the first British girl to take part in the Observer Royal Western Single-handed Transatlantic Race. She was the first woman home and succeeded in beating the French-held women's record by completing the course in 29 days. This is the story of those 29 days and the complex preparations leading up to them. (Music: Bridge's The Sea)