by Anthony Steven.
The action takes place in La Peronne, a small Algerian port, and in the Casbah of Algiers.
Time, the present
See page 7
The small coastal village of La Peronne, some twenty miles from Algiers, is not the kind of place where a great deal happens. It is, in the words of its resident doctor, "a very healthy place... a high birth rate, and a tendency to die of old age".
Occasionally, it is true, a ship comes into harbour, and the two local customs officers are stirred to a desultory activity; and it is certain that whatever life there is in the village will surely be discussed over a drink at the Cafe des Flots Bleus. But when an old Spanish cargo boat is forced into port by bad weather, and her skipper Pepe Galdos comes ashore, the seemingly placid surface of the daily routine is terrifyingly shattered.
Anthony Steven, the author of A Flea off Pepe, has based his play on one of his successful short stories, and has drawn a good deal of his local colour from the period when he was stationed in a similar village to La Peronne in 1944-5.