The second of three films about the death penalty. 12: Deathwatch
One stroke of a pen caused a shiver to run through the Death Rows of the 37 States of the Union that have retained capital punishment. The signature of new State Governor Graham on the death warrant which sent convicted killer John Spenkelink to the electric chair on 25 May 1979, now means that no convicted prisoner can any longer feel confident that his execution will not take place - while for those who have almost exhausted the long process of appeal, the situation is desperate. Within days of Florida's first execution for 15 years, further death warrants were signed on Bob Sullivan and Chuck Proffitt.
Both are mute and helpless as the grim countdown of the 'deathwatch' routine begins. As their time ebbs away, defence teams swing into action to stop the clock. film cameraman martin PATMORN Film recordist DICK MANTON Film editor Richard RQBERTS Researcher MO BOWYER
Executive producer ROCER HILLS Producer MARK ANDERSON
(The last programme is tomorrow evening)