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Other Voices

on BBC Two England

Introduced and narrated by Harold Evans, Editor, The Sunday Times
Four films about the world of journalism in different countries. Le Canard Enchaîné in France
'The duck in chains' is the court jester of French journalism. Every week since 1916 it has satirised politicians and public figures mercilessly. It is owned by the journalists who write it and collectively edited by them. And it has one of the largest circulations in France - half-a-million copies a week.
Canard's other speciality apart from satire is scandal. Even its enemies have called Canard the best informed paper in France. In 1973 the magazine was the victim itself of a scandal, when official attempts were made to bug the paper's offices in order to find out who was supplying it with classified government information.
Executive producer WILL WYATT Director PETER FOGES


Harold Evans
Peter Foges

BBC Two England

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BBC Two is a lively channel of depth and substance, carrying a range of knowledge-building programming complemented by great drama, comedy and arts.

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