Mr. Wilfrid Roberts
(From Newcastle)
This is the first of a series of broadcasts which will give a picture of an English countryside which has so far escaped the ravages of speculative builders and the ugliness of filling stations. The denizens of this district, close to the Scottish border, go about their work, find their own amusements, and are one with nature. Here live those who can thatch ricks and tickle trout, who see more than a 'yellow primrose ' in a primrose by a river's brim, and a warning in a red sky at morning. Wilfrid Roberts lives among these people and knows them as well as he knows the cattle and poultry of his farm. The hill shepherd with his lonely life ; the housewife clattering in clogs out to the byre to milk the cows; the wood-man slicing the hazel and plaiting it into the hedge; the isolated miner keeping whippet or racing pigeon for sport and profit; the district nurse cycling in all weathers on her errand of mercy; these and others will come into this interesting series of talks which are to go through the spring.