A course in drawing and observation.
Look at the object carefully. How tall is it and how wide? What can we find in the background to help us describe that curve at the top?
Ian Simpson invites you to join the studio group and make your own drawing.
'I'm not talented'. 'I haven't the time'. 'I've tried but when people see the result they say "what's that?"'
Ask your friends if they'd like to draw and these are some of the replies you'll get. But the 'no-talent' claim is often an excuse for laziness - and surely most of us can find the odd ten minutes a day for something we enjoy?
Can anyone learn to draw from the television screen? It depends on what they want to achieve and how enthusiastic they are. No one is likely to become another Rembrandt, but if you've ever wondered how and where to start, Eyeline provides the answer.
These ten programmes tackle the basic problems that are found in all drawing whatever the subject. They offer the viewer the chance to become part of a studio group and have a go at translating what they see on the screen into lines on paper. Only pencil and paper are needed; there's no age limit, or special skill required.
No easy road to success is offered. Instead you are encouraged to express yourself with results that we hope will be pleasing and satisfying.