In a series of short films, archaeologist Raksha Dave explores the amazing places, monuments and archaeological finds left behind from prehistoric Britain to build a picture of what it must have been like living in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.
Presented by Raksha Dave, field archaeologist on Channel 4's Time Team, with a wealth of knowledge about the world before history was documented in Britain, the films are specifically aimed at children of Key Stage 2 age for BBC Learning Zone.
To bring prehistory alive and show how the ancient people of Britain shaped where we live now, Raksha makes a razor-sharp flint tool, helps to cast a bronze axe and, using only a red deer antler, mines iron ore in an ancient mine. She visits the exceptional Stone Age burial at Paviland, explores Stonehenge - where, nearby, the biggest discovery of prehistoric gold was unearthed - and enters the Secret Forest, home to the only known prehistoric open-cast iron mines in the world. Raksha also has a chance to help out with daubing a replica Neolithic home, tries on Bronze Age clothes and feasts on Iron Age food. Show less