If there is one day on which a boy turns into a man, it is the day he becomes a dad himself. Award-winning film-maker Kira Phillips follows three men in the weeks before and after this day. She watches the struggle to become new men, the drama of birth and joins them on the steep learning curve of paternity leave.
Jamie, a city HR worker, attacks the prospect of parenthood by reading every self-help guide he can, but nothing he finds inside the pages of a book quite prepares him for his new life.
Mini-cab driver Viktor has resolved to put a history of womanising behind him and become the perfect family man.
And for multi-millionaire trader Greg, who left his wife and baby son, his girlfriend's pregnancy offers a second chance to be the dad he wants to be.
The one thing that is true for all these men is that the experience is nothing like they expected. And it leaves them all softer, gentler and much, much more tired. Show less