This full-length feature documentary follows Blur on the reunion trail in the summer of 2009 after a ten-year hiatus as they rediscover their music and the friendships that originally inspired the band when they came together at the dawn of the 90s.
As the band progress through rehearsals to warm-up gigs to their headline slot at Glastonbury, their history is explored - how they met, how they became stars with Parklife and Britpop, and how the stand-off with Oasis helped them reinvent themselves.
This is the story of how the childhood friendship between Damon Albarn and Graham Coxon was the creative crucible of the band and how that relationship ground to a halt when the band became hugely popular, eventually bringing the band to its knees.
The film follows the healing of that creative friendship and their emotional triumph at Glastonbury in June 2009. Show less