Tenth Edition
Written and arranged by Mungo Dewar
Come and join the ' Funny Men' aboard H.M.S. St. George, not forgetting Shorty, Lofty, Pincher, Nobby, the Sergeant, and the Ship's
The cast includes
Sidney Burchall , Fred Gibson , John Rorke , Harry Hudson , Tommy Brandon , Steam Scott, John Duncan , Claude Pilgrim , Bob Campbell , Reginald Mitchell , Phil Green , Ronnie Wild , Styx Gibling , Vine, More, and Nevard, and Pincher's
The BBC Male Voice Chorus and The BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell
Chorus arrangements by Doris Arnold
Orchestrations by Wally Wallond
Produced by ' The Old Salt',
Harry S. Pepper
' Eight Bells' will be broadcast again tomorrow (Regional, 4.0)