Reporters: Jeremy James, Jeanne La Chard, Denis Tuohy, Desmond Wilcox and Harold Williamson
This week: If the Spirit is Willing
In Loughton a demonstration against demons; a Pentecostal minister's protest against the spirits who help Harry Edwards at his spiritual healing meetings. In Hove a medium goes into a trance; through her - she says - a Chinese doctor who has been dead for 500 years carries out 'psychic' surgery. In a darkened room in Belgrave Square spirits manifest their faces and voices through a medium, or so he says. In a Birmingham suburb an ex all-in wrestler lays his hands on a spina bifida victim and claims she is beginning to walk, because of him.
This country has become the world centre of spiritualism, faith healing, and 'making contact' with the dead. Americans even organise 'psychic' package tours to London, the new international capital of the occult. Jeremy James and a Man Alive team have been looking at the business of faith, the critics of the whole thing and those who believe the spirit is willing.