Today's Timetable
1.40 Athletics
1.50 Racing
2.10 Cricket and Athletics
3.10 Racing
3.30 Cricket
3.40 Racing
4.0 Cricket
4.15 Athletics
4.35 Cricket
4.55 Results
These timings may be altered by events
From 1.30 Summer Grandstand
Introduced by Harry Carpenter
featuring Cricket... Racing... Athletics...
Cricket from Lord's: England v. Australia
Further play in the Second Test Match
On BBC-2 from 5.5
Racing from Ascot Heath
2.0 Albemarle Stakes over 5 furlongs
3.20 Fern Hill Stakes over 1 mile
3.50 Churchill Stakes over 1 1/2 miles
Athletics from Hadley Playing Fields, Warley: The Midland Counties Area Championships
Latest results and cricket scores throughout the afternoon