Repeats are not indicated.
Open University 12.30 The Information Society- an object lesson in how to treat the public. 63710 1.00 Blue Haven - it too late to save the blue whale? 19371 1.30 Open Advice Staying on Course - OU students talk about course selection.
Secondary Schools 2.00 Mathsphere Edits Handling Data Languages 4.00 Espana Viva (parts 5-6)/Spanish Globo (parts 6-8) - language course for beginners, plus animations. Working in Engineering 5.00 Science - how everyday objects owe their existence to the laws of engineering.
Open University 6.00 Velocity Diagrams - solving engineering problems. 89569 6.30 Designer Rides: Jerk and Jounce - the mathematics behind roller-coaster rides.