Entertainment show, set in a wacky hotel. This week's edition features guests from Coronation Street plus Street expert
Daran Little. There's music from top band G.U.N., the latest releases on video, and summerfashion from Michelle Garnett.
Plus the outdoor activity game Buried Treasure, mayhem with the Smedleys, comedy from Father Barry, and cartoons with Dennis the Menace, Pingu and Eek! the Cat. Presented by Sarah Vandenbergh and Grant Stott.
Producer Diane Maclean ; Series producer
MartynDay Stereo ............................ WRITE TO: Fully Booked. PO Box 1212. Glasgow
G12 8DB. LUXURY LUGGAGE COMPETITION LINE: [number removed] (calls cost 25p: please ask permission before you phone; lines are open until midnight on Sunday). E-MAILADDRESS:fbooked@scot.bbc.co.uk