9.00 Tutorial Topics: Craze 9.10 Christianity in Today's World (Stereo) 9.30 Diez Temas: La
Ciudad y el Pueplo 9.45 You and Me: All Join In 10.00 Thinkabout Science: The Chocolate Egg - The story of a chocolate egg - from the pod on the tree to the egg leaving the factory (Stereo) 10.15 Search Out Science: Getting It Together
10.35 Q and A: a series giving the audience a chance to air its views on all aspects of schools television
10.40 Around Scotland: Reserve
11.00 Words and Pictures: The
Little Red Hen 11.15 English Time: Inside Stories: Janni Howker 11.35 Teaching Today: Placements Abroad 12.05 TV6: Young
Activists (Stereo) 12.30 Lifeschool: Listen to Me 12.55 Mexico Vivo: Pasado y futuro - Coral reefs and Mayan ruins are big attractions on Mexico's Caribbean coast. But visitors risk destroying the very things they come to see 1.20
Spider (Stereo) 1.25 Johnson and Friends 1.35 Pinny's House 1.40 Zig Zag: Greece 2.00 News and Weather followed by You and Me