9.35 Mach's Gut!: 1: Out Shopping
Basic skills in German.
Shopping in the market; expressing opinions; hiring a bike or skis.
with Robert Rauch, Sylvia Rotter. Introduced by Paul McDowell.
9.52 Look and Read: Badger Girl: 6: The Secret Passage
(Shown on Tuesday at 10.15 am) (E)
10.15 Around Scotland: Close-up 3: Street
(Shown on Wednesday at 1.38) (E)
10.38 MI 10: Mathematical Investigations
In Proportion
followed by: Scale Up
(Shown on Tuesday at 11.57 am) (E)
11.0 Wondermaths: Programme 6
(Shown on Tuesday at 11.40 am) (E)
11.17 Geography Casebook: Coal: The Future
What price do you put on communities? The industry faces difficult decisions.
(R) (E)
11.40 Look, Look and Look Again: My Place
(Shown on Tuesday at 9.52 am) (E)
12.0 English File: The Power of Language - Power to Persuade
A new unit of programmes providing examples of language in use. How can people choose words to persuade? Among others, salespeople and politicians provide answers.
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12.32 Scene: Scene in Northern Ireland
In 1980 Scene filmed a Catholic and Protestant group of Belfast teenagers who described their lives, attitudes and prejudices. They agreed to meet each other at Corrymeela, a centre which works for reconciliation and peace. How did the teenagers, who suspect each other so strongly, profit from their time together? And what has happened since the film was made?
(R) (E)
1.5 Switch on to English
Key aspects of spoken and written English are taught using extracts from well-known television series as reinforcement.
(R) (E)
1.33 General Studies: The Layperson Guide to Lasers
(Shown on Monday at 12.40 pm) (E)