7.15 Maths: Decision Tree Analysis
7.40 Structural Power. 3: Strategies for Change
8.5 Open Government?
8.30 Arts: Liszt and Nature
8.55 Instrumentation: Train Development
9.20 Colliding Continents
9.45 Maths: Energy Through the Window
10.10 Maths: Complex Analysis
10.35 Calculus: Differentiating Fields
11.0 Talking Turtle: Computers in the Classroom
11.50 Studying with the OU: 2
12.15 Geology: Britain before Man
12.40 Maths Across the Curriculum
1.5 Pure Maths: The Exam
1.30 Philosophy: Freedom and Personhood
1.55 Budgeting for Europe's Jobless
2.20 Brazil: Facing the 80s
2.45 Modern Art: Duchamp