5/8. North. More sites in need of renovation: Gayle Mill in the Yorkshire Dales, an 18th-century water mill that was first used to process cotton: Sheffield Manor Lodge, situated among the ruins of the once-great Tudor house; and Lion Saltworks at Marston in Cheshire. Vote for your favourite building by calling [number removed] (Calls charged at 50p - a minimum of 34p from every call will go to the Restoration Fund). Lines for this episode open at 2am this morning and close at midnight tomorrow. Presented by Griff Rhys Jones. Restoration Nation follows at 10pm on BBC4. Producer Jonathan Barker ; Series editor Katie Boyd DONATION DETAILS: To donate. please phone [number removed] (calls charged at national rate), or send cheques payable to 'The Restoration Fund" to The Restoration Fund, PO Box 7000, Manchester M60 3HE
RESTORATION MAGAZINE: free with the August issue of Homes & Antiques, f3. 10, and BBC History, £3.25
Griff Rhys Jones is seduced by concrete: page 26