9.00 The Economics Collection: Global Trade
How the international trading system links economic activity in different countries
9.25 Square One: Percentages
9.45 Watch: Summer Extras: People Who Help Us
10.05 Links: Britain and the Developing World
A historical look at how Africa was affected by being split up into colonies
10.30 Ghostwriter: Ghost Story: Part 2
(with signing)
11.00 Q and A
11.10 Landmarks: People on the Move
11.30 Help Your Child with Reading
11.45 History File: North American Indians
How the Indians of North America have managed to retain their own culture (Stereo)
12.05 Zig Zag: Wildlife Safari
How different animals look after their young
12.25 Lifeschool: Citizenship
A simple walk around the legal maze and a look at some aspects of the law in action
12.50 Poor Dear
The first of three films on the disability charity industry takes a hard look at advertising
1.20-1.40 Children's BBC
with Chris Jarvis
1.20 Philbert the Frog
1.25 Christopher Crocodile
1.30 Brum
1.40 Music Time: Reflections
2.00 News (Subtitled) and Weather; followed by Watch Summer Extras
(Note: repeats are not indicated)