9.00 France Francais: Estelle
9.15 Teaching Today: PE in the Primary School
9.45 Watch: Holidays Abroad - the Spanish Costa Brava
10.00 Look and Read: Sky Hunter - Too Many Crooks
10.20 Around Scotland: The Real Thing
10.40 Into Music: Going Home (Stereo)
11.00 Diez Temas : Tiempo Libre
Spanish for beginners.
11.15 English Express: Who-Me? - Secrets
11.35 TV6: Smoking
12.00 English File: Seamus Heaney - poetry
12.30 Scene: Sweet 17: part 2
1.00 Short Circuit: Big Bang
Who created the universe? (Stereo)
1.20 Greenclaws
1.35 Rupert
1.40 English Time: On Approval
2.00 News and Weather
followed by Words and Pictures: The Surprise Party
Chinese whispers.