9.35 Dicho y hecho
Basic skills in Spanish
Talking about yourself; feeling ill; saying you're sorry.
9.52 Look and Read: The Boy from Space: Where is Tom?
10.15 Mathscore One: What Next?
Stacking cans, shaking hands, and the sequence 1, 3, 6, 10,...
10.38 History 11-13: The Tudors: The Vicars of Hessle
This true story, about Catholic and Protestant vicars at the time of the Reformation, reveals some of the problems which changes in the official religion of England caused to ordinary members of their congregation.
11.0 Around Scotland: The Valley of the Scots: 1: The Scots of Dalriada
11.22 Update USA: Farming Country
Grain mountains are piling up and farmers are feeling the pinch as changes in US foreign policy and farm financing take their toll.
11.44 Going to Work: Life and Social Skills: 1: Family Life
Gary leaves home to live with his sister in London, but life there is not quite what he imagined.
12.5 pm Making the Most of the Micro: 6: Getting Down to Business
Ten programmes showing what micros can do and how to use them. Presented by Ian McNaught-Davis
12.35-1.0 The Learning Machine: 5: Having a Bash at BASIC
A personal view of computers in education by Tim O'Shea, Director of the Microelectronics in Schools Project at the Open University.
1.10 Science Topics: Electronics in Action
1.33 General Studies: Brave New Births
Test-tube babies, surrogate mothers, experiments on human embryos: many people are now beginning to question these new scientific techniques.
2.0 Scene: Funny People
Scene spent a week in a school in Bristol finding out about those people who make their classmates laugh. Why does every class have its clown?
What are the different styles of being funny? Once you've got it, can you get rid of the role of joker?
2.30 English File: Media Studies: Front Page Story
Henry Kelly examines the way a story hits the headlines in the dailies and discusses our national press with a group of young people from a London school. Mike Molloy, Editor of the Daily Mirror, puts the journalistic angle.