6.40 Understanding Space and Time 7.05 Maths: Tutor-Marked Assignments 7.30 Art in 15th-Century Italy 7.55 Living Choices: Good Moves 8.20
Changing Britain: The Multinational
8.45 Probability and Statistics
9.10 Education: A Place for Play
9.35 Working with Systems 10.00 Art in 15th-Century Italy 10.25 Going through a Phase 10.50 Survival in a Competitive
Environment 11.15Women's
Studies: The Body Social 11.40 MakingReaders for Life 12.05
Engineeringthe Software 12.30 The Main Frame and the Micro
12.55 Christopher Plantin , Printer of Antwerp 1.20 Developing World: Gender Matters 1.45 Biology: A Conflict of Interests 2.10 The All Electric Home 2.35 Managing Schools