Each week during term time BBC Television provides more than thirty transmissions directed to schools and technical colleges. Today, while schools are on holiday, Out of School provides an opportunity to see programmes designed for secondary audiences.
1.46 Going to Work: Working in a Self-Service Store
A careers series for school-leavers.
Introduced by Peter West.
What sort of jobs are there and what is the training like for girls in a self-service store? The School Film Unit goes to a large store in a new town to find out.
Previously shown in February
2.6 Challenge: Canoeing
A preview of a new School Television series designed to encourage out-of-door activities.
Written and produced by Andrew Quicke.
Introduced by Geoffrey Wheeler.
Is it difficult to paddle your own canoe? From the early stages in a London swimming pool the School Film Unit follows a school group learning the techniques that will help them to shoot the rapids on the River Wye.
To be shown in Schools in May
(to 14.26)