S/MdOM 0/ </M Rising Sun
For the peoples of the Asian Pacific, whose 'economic miracles' have so dazzled the West, success has come from unquestioning acceptance of authority and self-sacrifice in the interests of the common good, virtues that stem from the ancient Chinese philosophy Confucianism.
But Confucianism has an Achilles' heel-it stifles creativity and does not encourage those intuitous leaps of imagination that can lead to new discoveries.
Japan, for one, is worried that she will always lag behind the West in pure research, and never quite become No 1. This final programme of the series looks at inventiveness, Japanese style, the technology of the information revolution and Japan's attempts to be first with the celebrated but elusive fifth generation computer. If Japan wins the race, the result, according to Stanford's Professor
Eigenbaum, will be 'an electronic Pearl Harbor'. Narrated by Peter France Fi)m editor JEFF SHAW
Produced and directed by MICHAEL MACtNTYRE