6.00 General Relativity: At the Frontier 6749573 6.25 Opening Doors- Some Personal Views from Women
6.50 Statistics: Looking Again at Large Samples 7706660 7.15PieterBruegel and Popular Culture 7013467 7.40 Science: Fires of Life 9862196 8.05
Brain and Behaviour: Seasonal Affective
Disorder. How sittingundera bright light can help people who get depressed duringthe dark and dreary days of winter. 2976318 8.30 Art: The Leathart
Collection 9199844 8.55 Social Science: Age and Identity 5741115 9.45 Living with Technology: Food 2901844 10.35 Powers of the President: Other Players Interviews with four ex-presidents show their different attitudes to other major players on the American political scene. Subtitled 4961554 11.25 Who Belongs to Glasgow? Subtitled 5280009 11.50 The Management of Nuclear Waste