by Vernon Sylvaine.
First shown on BBC-1
Brian Rix, Leo Franklyn, Basil Lord, Larry Noble, Sheila Mercier, and Helen Jessop are appearing in 'Chase Me, Comrade' at the Whitehall Theatre, London
One of the most successful of all farce writers was the late Vernon Sylvaine, and his One Wild Oat, first produced shortly after the war with Alfred Drayton and that flypaper for calamity Robertson Hare, ranks as a classic of its kind. The story tells of a clash between Humphrey Proudfoot, solicitor, and Alfred Gilbey, bounder and social drone. But any attempt to outline the topsy-turvy plot would in itself be farcical. Let us just say that when Humphrey, appalled at the prospect of his daughter marrying Gilbey's son, does some digging into Gilbey senior's murky past, he is hoist with his own petard. The subsequent harvest of wild oats adds up to a Rabelaisian romp.