9.00 Short Circuit (Stereo)
9.10 Standard Grade Studies: Local Issue
9.30 Ici Paris: Paris et la Banlieue (Stereo)
9.45 You and Me: Unfamiliar Faces
10.00 Square 1: Probability
10.15 Over the Moon: Rubbish and Litter
10.30 History File: The Roman Empire (Stereo)
10.50 Mathsphere: Face Value/A Circular Argument (Stereo)
11.10 Landmarks: The Gateway to the North
11.30 Geography Programme: The Retail Chain
11.50 Topics: It's Your Concern/What Are You Good At? (Stereo)
12.10 Let's See: Go 4, 5
12.30 Science in Action: Bumper to Bumper
12.50 Teaching Today: The Management of Pupil Behaviour
1.20 Charlie Chalk
1.35 Crystal Tipps and Alistair
1.40 Music Time: The Castle (Stereo)
2.00 News and Weather
followed by You and Me: Unfamiliar Faces