A monthly report from the world of music.
Music for the Summer
At a time when newspapers are full of advertisements for the summer holidays ahead, Music International offers some useful alternatives for those who are interested in music in a holiday atmosphere.
with the British Federation of Music Festivals and Music Teachers' Association, Downe House; Conway Holiday Fellowship; Dartington Summer School; Durham 20th Century Music School; Ernest Read Music Association, Roedean; Pulborough Lute Society; Workers Education Association, Newbattle Abbey.
Record of the Year
For the first time a British jury will award prizes for outstanding British gramophone records. The winners for 1967 will be announced exclusively in this programme.
Ivor Newton
The distinguished accompanist celebrates his seventy-fifth birthday this month. With John Warrack he recalls some earlier memories which include the famous Russian bass Chaliapin - 'a born singer. an instinctive actor'.
Introduced by Bernard Keeffe. (Colour)