from Wellington Church, Glasgow
Organ Voluntary
Order of Service
Metrical Psalm cxlvii, Praise ye the Lord ; for it is good (Tune, Huddersfield), vv. 1-5
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Paraphrase lxii, Behold, th' amazing gift of love (Tune, Newington) Reading, St. Luke iv, 16-21 Prayer
Hymn, Jesus, the very thought of thee (Rv. C.H. 422 ; S.P. 547 ; A. and M. 178)
Address by the Rev. Ernest D. Jarvis
Hymn, Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Rv. C.H. 413 ; S.P. 636 , A. and M. 184)
Organist, John Rankin