An appeal on behalf of THE ROYAL EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL,
The Royal East Sussex Hospital was opened in 1841 and has been the principal source of relief of the sick and suffering in Hastings and East Sussex ever since. Twice rebuilt, the hospital now stands in large grounds overlooking the sea, and contains accommodation for 143 in-patients, out-patient consulting rooms, orthopaedic gymnasium, massage and electrical rooms, pathological laboratories, ophthalmic wards, modern operating theatres, and a very beautiful children's ward, surrounded by balconies. Last, but not least, there is a modern home for the nursing staff.
But unhappily there is a shortage of £31,000, mainly on maintenance account, and unless this sum is speedily forthcoming the service given by the hospital must necessarily be restricted. Last year alone 2,281 in-patients were admitted, and the 12,924 out-patients were treated no fewer than 76,189 times. Nor should it be overlooked that patients from homes all over the country were admitted to the hospital as the result of illness or accident while they were on holiday or on business in the district.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed].