A special one-off documentary revealing the history behind the popular British sitcom, featuring clips from the original series, a cast reunion and brand new scenes written by one of the co-creators, Jeremy Lloyd. 'Allo 'Allo! followed the farcical adventures of Rene Artois, a French cafe owner unwillingly brought into the war on both sides. The Germans forced him to hide some of the town's stolen artefacts while the cafe was used by the Resistance as a safe house for two British airmen. Rene was also conducting two affairs while trying to keep them secret from his wife, Edith. In tonight's show, Rene is back in his cafe writing his war diaries, with a little help from Yvette and some of the establishment's characters.
Writer Jeremy Lloyd ; Director Martin Dennis
Producers Robert Katz and Cybele Rowbottom A well-travelled sitcom: page 59