Today's programme is directed towards vegetarians who admit to their menus such animal products as eggs, milk, and cheese.
Philip Harben shows how the difficulties of obtaining a full and balanced nutrition can be overcome and emphasises that the vegetable kingdom offers a great variety of tastes and flavours.
Recipe of the Week:
Baked Eggs St. Germain
(four portions)
4 eggs
6 oz. dried peas or lentils
2 oz. cheese
1 lettuce
1 oz. vegetarian margarine
Salt and pepper
Vegetable stock as available
Cook the dried peas (previously soaked overnight) until they are tender, preferably in onion or celery stock and pass through a fine sieve to form a smooth puree. Clean and shred the lettuce, add it to the puree with the margarine and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring well. Spread the mixture in a shallow fireproof dish, make four neat pockets and break an egg into each. Sprinkle the surface with grated cheese and put the dish in a hot oven (450 F., gas 8 or G) for about fifteen minutes - long enough to brown the cheese and set the surface of the eggs, which should be runny in the middle. Serve with potatoes.
(Philip Harben)