This musical drama is a genuine murder mystery of the same school as the film Murder at the Vanities-the murder taking place in a dressing-room at a theatre while a musical comedy is being performed. The singing parts are those of the leading actress in the musical comedy, played by Tessa Deane , who broadcast recently with such success in The Student Prince, and that of the juvenile lead, played by Clarence Wright , who broadcast in Ernest Longstaffe 's pantomime this year as the Prince. In the cast are many other popular broadcasters.
Book, music, and lyrics are the original work of Bob Lively and Betty Laidlaw , who are well known for their work for stage and screen in America. Lively once broadcast over here on a Hying visit. Special arrangements for the orchestra and full revue chorus have been made by Max Saunders. The big number is ' Climbing up the Golden Stairs.'
' Death in the Dressing Room ' will be repeated in the Regional programme tomorrow at 7.45.