A new comedy by Sylvia Regan
A special performance before an invited audience from the Cambridge Theatre, London, by arrangement with Linnit and Dunfee, Ltd.
There is spring, summer, autumn, winter, and the fifth or slack season which, at the start of this comedy about the American fashion trade, seems to be lasting a very long time for the newly established house of Goodwin-Pincus. Fortunately, by the time tonight's excerpt begins, things have improved. The house has one major client, Miles Lewis, who owns a chain of shops. But one buyer does not make a summer, particularly since he is not very prompt in his payments. To add to the confusion, one of the partners is off on holiday - with one of the models. So a major burden falls on the amiable, inoffensive Max Pincus. He bears it staggeringly, together with his love-wistful and undeclared-for the retiring book-keeper, Miss Oppenheim.