The way we live now. Cairo Vets written and narrated by Michael Dean
It's known as 'the Street of the English Lady' among the poor of Cairo.
They depend on a horse or donkey for their livelihood, and remember a horse-loving Englishwoman, Dorothy Brooke. She founded a hospital for animals here, to save the cavalry horses abandoned in Egypt after the First World War. The Brooke Hospital has been riding to the rescue of Cairo's heartbreakingly crippled and wounded working animals ever since.
Top Glasgow vet
Graham Munroe is on asssignment for a month. He's out hunting for overworked, emaciated beasts of burden in hot and crowded street-markets. Egyptian vets from the Brooke venture further into the twilight world of the smouldering rubbish dumps where the donkey-cart scavengers drive their animals hard. But the most unlikely call is to a hotel swimming pool, where there seem to be two dolphins at play....
Photography CHRIS SEAGER
Sound recordist JIM GREENHORN Film editor DAVID THOMAS Producer MO BOWYER
40 Minutes editor EDWARD MIRZOEFF