Descriptions of the Commonwealth today recorded in Australia, and introduced by Michael Terry
3—'The Australian People-
Country Life '
John Archibald McCallum
(The series arranged in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting
Last week listeners to this series of talks from ' down under' heard something about the life in the great cities of Australia. Tonight the scene shifts to the vast Australian country-side, and you will hear about life in the Bush, on the great sheep ranges, and fruit farms.
The speaker was born in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales in 1892, and was educated at
Mittagong Public School, Sydney High School, and the University of Sydney. After serving through the war he returned to Australia, and soon obtained the appointment of English master at Sydney High School, and Tutorial Class Lecturer at Broken Hill. He is a well-known figure in Australian broadcasting, having been doing commentaries for the past three years for the Australian Broadcasting Commission.