9.38 Science Workshop: Water 'A'
How dry does a spin-drier get your clothes? How do you test hair-driers?
10.0 You and Me
A series for 4- and 5-year-olds
Charu Bala Chokshi and the Puppets discuss friendship and love. Including a look at things over and under the water and a visit to a swimming class.
Story: Raju's Dream by Barindar Kalsi, illustrated by Jeroo Roy
10.15 Maths File: 9: Area
Inspector Newton pieces together the clues left by a cunning stamp thief.
With Tony Hughes, Jacqueline Clarke, Robin Scobey and James Coyle
10.38 A-Level Studies: Statistics: 2: Distributions
Counting defective TV sets in a manufacturer's sample and marram grass tillers in sand-dunes both involve statistical distributions.
11.0 Words and Pictures: Miss Jump, the Jockey
11.17 The Music Arcade: 7: Folk Tunes and the Violin
11.39 General Studies: The Baby Trade: 2
A film report by Margaret Jay on surrogate motherhood in Britain.
12.5 pm Russian Language and People: 18: How Do You Feel?
12.30 Honourable Members: 2: The Art of the Possible
Five programmes examining the role of MPs.
12.55 Switch On to English: 7: Using He and She
1.21 Descubra Espana: Vistas de provincia
Vida diaria; Frutos del campo; Tierra riojana
1.38 Let's See: 2: Rhythms and Dances
2.0 Watch: Our World: Smells
'Phew, what an awful smell!' says James, trying to identify some objects by their smell alone. louise discovers how good a dog's sense of smell is, but in the story of 'Scruff the dog finds out that the nasty smell is coming from him.
2.18 One World: Made in Barbados
Supplementing sugar and tourism, Barbados now exports manufacturing goods. To what cost and benefit?
2.40 Zig Zag: Roads: 1: Britons and Romans
(Ceefax Subtitles)