6.25 Emily Bronte at Haworth.
6.50 Miracles at Lourdes.
7.15 Maths: Isomorphisms.
7.40 Twentieth-century Poetry.
8.5 Man-powered Aircraft: 1.
8.30 Primary Sources: Stratford-upon-Avon.
8.55 Ministers Talking.
9.45 Organisations for Clients?
10.10 After the Earthquake.
10.35 Bath: 18th Century
11.0 Maths Methods: Complex Exponentials.
11.25 Special Relativity.
11.50 Social Psychology Laboratory.
12.15 Computing at Akai, Sainsbury's.
12.40 Science: Between Two Stools.
1.5 ' Proud Ambitious Heaps '.
1.55 Using University Libraries.
2.20 Calling the Tune.
2.45 Instrumentation: Strain Gauging