' Two Minds with Not a Single Thought'
with Monte Crick at the Piano
In 1934 Ronald Frankau and Tommy Handley, who had been associated together with such success on gramophone records as 'North and South', decided to get together again. In the 'North and South' records they could only get four jokes into three minutes, and they thought they would like to have fifty. They made these records as 'Mr. Murgatroyd and Mr. Winterbotham', and brought them to Eric Maschwitz. He liked them and they first broadcast as these characters in December 1934, and have been doing so ever since.
They made a film, Mr. Murgatroyd wearing white sandals and a bowler too small for him; Mr. Winterbotham wearing a large moustache, a cap, glasses, and a sort of bookmaker's overcoat with large checks. Then they did a cabaret and have several concerts in view. As soon as Frankau has finished at the Prince of Wales Theatre, they are to tour as these famous characters.
At the moment they are seriously considering creating a Mrs. Murgatroyd and Mrs. Winterbotham, with Rene Roberts (Mrs. Frankau) and Jean Allistone (Mrs. Handley) in the parts. Frankau and Handley will write all the material.