Leader, J. Mouland Begbic Conductor, GUY WARRACK
FRANK GORDON (bass-baritone) In an article in THE RADIO TIMES on Byrd's ' My Ladye Nevells Booke
Hilda Andrews , an authority on this collection of virginal pieces, says : It was the product of an age when keyboard music took root, and flowered into a sudden brilliance, heralding Bach, Beethoven, and all the great piano music of the last century. Lady Nevell's pieces were written for the "virginal, the harpsichord's tiny predecessor, and they can be called the first piano music in the world.' The manuscript is now in the possession of Lord Henry Nevill at Eridge Castle, Sussex. When Johann Strauss wrote his waltz
' Die Tanzerin Fanny Elssler ', besides inventing an excellent title, he paid a very graceful compliment to the celebrated Viennese dancer (1810-1884). In her recollections Fanny Kemble , the actress, said that Elssler ' was the most intellectual dancer I have ever seen. Inferior to Taglioni in lightness, grace and sentiment; to Carlotta Grisi in the two latter qualities ; and with less mere vigour than Cerito, she excelled them all in dramatic expression, and .. , exhibited tragic powers of a very high order