A programme for those interested in brushing up their French
Script by Emile Harven and M.J. MacDonald
Characters in order of speaking: [see below]
Today is the Fete des Pecheurs at the fishing village of La Conche, where Peter Lamb and Helen Lamb are staying.
Quel monde! what a crowd; soulever, to lift up; respirer, to breathe; la chorale des orpheiias. the orphans' choral society; le feu d'artifice, fireworks; la partie de boujes, game of bowls; le govse, youngster; bousculer, to jostle; (l'entrepreneur des) Pompes Funebres, undertaker; la lune de miel, honeymoon; le bonheur, happ'ness; le baiser, kiss; les Conscillers Municpaux, the Town Councillors; qu'est-ce qui se passe? what's happening?; les amateurs de theatre, theatre-fans; ecraser, to crush, run over; les Pompiers, the Fire Brigade; le concours de chant, singing contest.
(To be repeated on Friday at 3.30)