Time-management is one of the burning lifestyle issues as we approach the new millennium. Corporations profit hugely from dispensing advice on how best to arrange clients' timetables.
David Stafford takes the experts to task in Silicon Valley, California, Salt Lake City in Utah and back in Britain to see if they really can change the way in which people's lives are run.
Director Mick Conefrey ; Executive producer Clare Paterson
Then Suspended in Time Artist Darren Almond explains how an accident triggered an obsession. Contains strong language. Producer Gregor Cameron ; Executive producer Clare Paterson Subtitled
10.00 Clockwatch Wells
Cathedral Clock. A look at one of the world's most bizarre clocks, showing the phase of the moon as well as the day and the time. Producer Colin Spector ; Executive producer Clare Paterson
Digital widescreen Seinfeld at 12.05am continues Time Season Clockwatch concludes tomorrow 10pm