6.25 Atholdale: A Limestone Valley
6.50 Pressure Die-Casting
7.15 Topology: Covering Surfaces
7.40 The Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola
8.5 Learning in Groups
8.30 Images of the Holy
8.55 Digital Systems
9.20 A Question of Colour: 1
9.45 Trading on Uncertainty
10.10 Computing: The Systems Analyst
10.35 Personality and Learning
11.0 War and the Media
11.25 The Galbraithian Thesis
11.50 Evaluating a Merger
12.15 Reading Development
12.40 Adult Literacy: Cape Verde (1)
1.5 Maths: Flows and Exponential
1.30 History of Mathematics
1.55 The Gravity Model
2.20 First World Capital: Third World
2.45 Return to Figurative Art