9.30 Science Topics Chemists at Work
9.52 Look and Read: Badger Girl: 4: The Badgerman
10.15 Mathscore One 2: Bits and Pieces
A way-out waitress and a capricious customer make fractions a piece of cake!
10.38 Everyday Science Science and Money
Why do we need a £1 coin? How was it designed and how is it manufactured?
11.0 History 11-13 2: The Castle
When Thomas Beauchamp remodelled Warwick Castle, he designed it more to impress than to be a defensible base. How had the functions of castles and knights changed since the Norman Conquest ? Presenter richard BURROWS
Producer JILL SHEPPARD (Repeat)
11.22 Geography Casebook: Britain. Inner City Part 2
The second of two film reports on how Glasgow has been redeveloped since the war. Producer LEN BROWN
11.44 Going to Work Practical Work
12.5 pm The Computer Programme
An introduction to the use of computers with the amphasis on small machines. The language used is BBC BASIC. 4: It's on the Computer
Information storage (Repeat)
12.30 The Electronic Office 4: Changing with the Times
A case study of the New York Times.
Fact sheet from BSS, [address removed]. Please sndess a 12", 9" sae
12.55 Whatever Happened to Britain? An analysis of Britain's performance as an economic force since the Industrial Revolution.
4: Colbert and the Commissariat The European experience
1.20 Let's Go
Series 3. Ten programmes for moderately handicapped young adults
With Brian Rix
4: Let's Make a Snack Let's Go Book 3 from BBC Publications £1.50 including postage
1.33 Around Scotland: 2: The Heart of the Highlands
2.0 Scene. After the Gold Rush
Drama documentary about Robert Service, the poet in the Yukon, with Fulton Mackay.
2.30 English File: A Taste of Honey: Part 3
by Shelagh Delaney.