10.0 You and Me
A series for 4- and 5-year-olds
When Cosmo and Jeni's pictures are spoilt, they find that they do mind. Dressing-up song: 'What would it be like to be a magical genie?'
Book: Ben's Gingerbread Man by Niki Daly
10.13 Pages from Ceefax
11.0 Words and Pictures: Frog and Toad are Friends
Frog sends Toad a letter to cheer him up.
11.16 Pages from Ceefax
11.40 Scene: Faulty Towers
12.0 Pages from Ceefax
2.0 pm Watch: The Romans: 5: Roman Builders
In the final Roman programme Louise Hall-Taylor goes for a walk along the Appian Way. She looks at Roman arches and the Circus Maximus, while James Earl Adair organises some epic chariot racing in Watch's Circus Minimus. Eat your heart out, Ben Hur!
2.18 Walrus - Work it Out: What Next?
Michael Rosen and the team are reading Losers Weepers by Jan Needle, but they start today by looking at another story - a true one.
2.40 Zig Zag: Topical Programme
An up-to-date report on the Domesday Videodisc and a look ahead to next month's
Commonwealth Games.