Interval Music
2.5 Science and Gardening
© 'Plant Growth' (continued)
' The Mature Plant'
B. A. KEEN , D.Sc., F.R.S.
Once again some of the talks in this course will be given by a scientist, Dr. Keen, and others by a gardening expert, C. F. Lawrance. Last term Dr. Keen traced the growth of the plant from the seed, and now he is to deal with the fully-grown or mature plant. Mr. Lawrance is to describe some difficult gardening operations, and it will be for you to listen to him and try to carry out those jobs yourself.
Today, in the first talk of the new term, Dr. Keen is to tell you what happens as the plant grows to maturity, and he will discuss the meaning of maturity, the plant framework, and storage in the plant.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Music, First Year
Ⓓ Intervals of Fourth and Sixth'
' Tied Notes'