The Two Worlds of the Innu
In the villages of Davis inlet, an isolated island outpost off the Labrador coast, alcoholism, sexual abuse and suicide are rife. Last year alone one in three adults tried to kill themselves. In
January 1993 six children attempted suicide.
This documentary in the series that looks at unfamiliar cultures shows how the resettlement villages - set up by the Canadian government in the 60s for the native Indian Innu people - have failed in their aim to turn the Innu into "modern"
Canadians. All that has been achieved is the near destruction of the traditional Innu culture.
In the film two Innu families talk about their personal tragedies, the intense pressure to change their way of life and their decision to return to the traditional hunting grounds of the interior to rediscover their lost customs, their identity and their dignity. Producer Ken Kirby
Editor Alan Bookbinder
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