Repeats are not indicated.
Open University 12.30 The Crunch Zippo's 's Circus - the work of a manager who has to arbitrate between boss and performers. (W) 77256 1.00 Images over India -what do India's 300 million TV viewers watch? (S) 77084 1.30 The World of the Dragon-a look at Shanghai, the gateway for investors in China. (S) Secondary Schools 2.00 English Miller Shorts - playwright Arthur Miller comments on four of his dramas. (S) Languages 4.00 Italianissimo (parts 13-16)
Webw!se2000 5.00 GetWebwise Business - the Issues (W) 33152 5.30 GetWebwise Business - Hands On (W)
Open University 6.00 Eyewitness Memory - how psychologists help the police to understand witnesses' memories. (S)
6.30 Soaring Achievements - a glider race over France illustrates the mathematics of unpowered flight. Ends 7.00am. (S)