in 18th-century London
A sequence of music and excerpts from the literature of the period read by FRANK DUN CAN. and compiled by KEITH RORNER
Vauxhall and Ranelagh are two gardens unequalled in the whole world (Leopold Mozart) . . .like magic ...
(Fanny Burney)
... a composition of baubles, Ot'ercharged with paltry ornaments (Smollett) ft is the custom in this country for the audience to remain in a state of universal petrifaction (Goldsmith) What astonished me was the boldness of the women who importuned us in the most shameless manner.
(Pastor Moritz)
Including music by Handel, J. C. Bach. Stanley, Hook, De Fesch and Arne gramophone records
(19 August: 17th- and 18th-century Germany)